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Henry Gao is Associate Professor at Singapore Management University.

3 results about HENRY GAO


Seeking the best forum for regional trade agreement disputes

May 15, 2018

Many proposals have been put forward to address the problematic nature of dispute settlement mechanisms found in regional trade agreements. This piece discusses two of them: using dispute settl... READ MORE


The WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism: A Trade Court for the World

May 1, 2018

This paper examines the reasons behind the underutilisation of dispute settlement mechanisms in regional trade agreements (RTAs). It suggests that countries could use the World Trade Organization d... READ MORE


World Trade Needs More Than a Nudge

January 17, 2018

Economists usually assume that people are rational.  This year’s Nobel Economics Prize winner Richard Thaler, however, argues that people don’t always make rational choices as it i... READ MORE